Wednesday, May 04, 2011

No sufficient record found in control table for XXXX//X XX.XX.XXXX

When im trying to post an invoice for a customer, i found this error "No sufficient record found in control table for company code xxxx//x".

Asked some friends and after some checkings here is the problems : the number range for tax (faktur pajak) is not maintained yet for current year.

To solve it, access :
Cross Application Component --> General Application Functions --> Cross Application Document Numbering --> *choose country* --> Document Numbering --> Assign Number Ranges to Business Places/Company Code.

This step has to be done yearly or you can set it up for few years ahead at the beginning of the implementation.

Message no. FF 802 An exchange rate type is not defined for country ID

Yay! Got a new error, after lurking for a is the solution : Cek the country setting (OY01) and set the exchange rate type. Dunno why this is happening tho T.T

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Setting Number Range for CO Documents

Whoops!!! First time trying to set number range for CO Document! I went straight to IMG and access the maintain number range under Controlling menu. And...Its BLANK!

Mmm...supposedly there are business types to be assigned to groups and the groups are to be assigned to number range. What happened?

I found out that those business types are not going to appear automatically. You have to generate program RKTKA04C which functions to refresh the business types list.

So what i do was :
1. Run report RKTKA04C from SE38
2. Create Group for Business Types and assign number range to each group
3. Assign business types to the group

And~ VOILA! all done and CO documents can be created

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Transport Request

Transport request basically is a code that's use to identify objects from one SAP client to another SAP client or environment to environment by using transport objects.

The code will automatically appears whenever we make a change to a configuration table or program.

Tcodes related are :
SE10 : maintain transport request
STMS : transport management system
SCC1 : to copy transport request from 1 client to another client in the same server

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Setting Cost Element to be created automatically when creating GL Account

Okie~ the problem now is how to set the cost element to be created automatically when we create a GL account.

I'm pretty sure we can set this in the customizing but i'm totally forgot, sooo..after a while checking here and there and of course asking people, this is how you set it :

1. Step 1 : Customize the Chart of Accounts

SPRO --> FI New --> General Ledger Accounting New --> Master Data --> GL Account --> Preparations --> Edit Chart of Account Lists .

Here, double click at your Chart of Account (COA). In the tab "Integration" , set the Controlling Integration to "Automatic Creation of Cost Elements". However, if you set this, then every time we create a Profit/Loss GL Account, the system will automatically create the Cost Elements. If the user desire t0 not controlling internally every P/L GL Account, then avoid this customizing. Instead choose "Manual Creation of Cost Elements"

2. Step 2 : Check the Automatic Generations of Cost Elements

SPRO --> Controlling --> Cost Element Accounting --> Master Data --> Cost Elements --> Automatic Creation of Primary & Secondary Cost Element --> Make Default Setting

Set all the number range of cost element for the COA maintained at step 1. Here you should maintain which cost element number range goes to which Cost Element Category.

For Example : Account 40000000 to 499999999 goes to Cost Element Category 11 (Revenues).

Monday, March 07, 2011

GA733 : Segment Contains No Receiver

Been a week trying to solve this problem, and today i found out that this message appears on Profit Center Allocation if we try to allocate based on Statistical Key Figures. And this is also original bug from SAP. To solve it, check on SAP Note 114014. For version 4.0 and 4.5a please check directly to

What i do was :

  1. Running GS09 (Copy sets from source client) and enter the delivery client at 'Source client' and the name of the account group 'INT_SPACE' at 'Set ID'.
  2. In KDH1, i created a new account group 'XXXX_SPACE' for the chart of accounts 'XXXX' (it is derived automatically from the current controlling area!). Use the account group 'INT_SPACE' as a reference for the chart of accounts 'INT'. Save the new group without changing the entries.
  3. When creating an assessment / distribution cycle, enter the account group 'XXXX_SPACE' ('XXXX' refers to the chart of account of the current controlling area) in field 'Account number' as a selection criterion of the tracing factor.

Sunday, February 06, 2011

Error Missing Export Data

This error popped up when client updating a customer's country after creating sales order.

Apparently the error appears due to differences between Sales Organization Country & Ship to Party Country. This is how to fixed it. Taken from a good answer at SAP Community Network posted by Reazuddin MD

Check- Incompletion procedure what are the fields maintained for Header / Item

IMG - SD- Foreign trade/Customs - Incompleness Schemas for Foreign trade data (VI29) & Foreign trade data in MM&SD (VI49)

if you dont want to maintain any fields in billing, Create new incompletion procedure for Header & Item, dont maintain any fields.
Assign this incompletion procedure in VI49.

Also posted by Calauz Artur :

In VF02 check the log for export data at heather level and item level, and fill those fields, the accounting document will be created.

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

the nature of LSMW

LSMW - Legacy System Migration Workbench

This is the common tool used in SAP R3's data migration. Supposedly 2 tools available : LSMW and BAPI. However, BAPI is a function, therefore we need to develop an ABAP program which includes the selected BAPI function before we can use it.

LSMW on the other hand is a ready to use migration tool. There are 4 import methods available in LSMW :
- Standard Batch/Direct Input - using the standard batch
- Batch Input Recording
- Business Object Method (BAPI)
- IDoc (Intermediate Document)

As for me, i'd prefer using Batch Input Recording which means i recorded the transaction manually and so the field which i fill is only the mandatory field and those i chose during the recording session.

LSMW also server dependent. Once you created an LSMW object in one server, it can be use in any clients available in the server. To copy one LSMW object or project from one server to another, we use the Export-Import option. First export the selected object (including the recorded object) to your local computer then Import the file at the other server.

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

FI Period and Authorization Group

Got a problem today :D Users can not create postings on FI transaction with error "No authorization for posting period 002 2011".

Looking from the error, i'm pretty sure the error comes from wrong settings on the Open/Close Period (OB52).

When I check on the settings, this is what i got :

Apparently users tried to set special open period only for those in ADM authorization group. I guess it means adjustment to previous period can only be done by some people.

It is true that to fulfill this requirement, we have to make entries on both posting periods (1 & 2) and the authorization group. However, authorization group only linked to posting period 1 (first 4 columns).

For example ,if you want users with authorization group ADM can post to period 13.2010-16.2010 while other users can only post to period 01.2011 - 02.2011. Then the setting should be shown as below :

Asked the users to change the setting and pouff! No more posting error :P

ALE migration and number range

This is the first time I'm using ALE (Application Link Enabling) as a tool to migrate data from one SAP client to another SAP client.

After finding the trouble i mentioned on my previous post. I decided to check the number range on vendor and customer master data. Result : the last number on the number range status didn't match the last number created in real. This conclude that ALE treating the document or master data's number as an external number and did not create any update at the number range status.

This can lead to an error during operational transactions. Be sure to check and update the number range status manually after you migrated data using ALE.

I'm not really sure if this applies to every ALE program, but at least i checked on Purchasing Info Record, Customer Master Data and Vendor Master Data. If you have time, better go and check on yours too ;)

ME 807: System error: error during insert in table EINA

System error! hahaha. I was surprised to find that i cannot create Purchase Order, even though i had created the Purchase Requisition neatly.

It was funny to see that the system showing that "Document created by number 7xxxxxxxx" after i create a PO from ME21N. But when i checked at the Display option from ME23N, i found NOTHING. Lol. I tried to check at the EKKO table and no document created by that number. I tried several times and it didnt work.

It is said that the problems come from the Purchasing Info Record's number range. I just realized that when we create a PO, although we didn't fill the Purchasing Info Record, system will automatically create a new PIR if the button "Info Update" in the tab Item Detail > Material Data is thicked.
This is not the main problem. The main problem comes from the PIR number range. We migrated the data from other SAP client using standard ALE. Apparently when we using ALE, the system didn't automatically update the number range status. Thus the number range status of last document number is not updated and creating an error.

Solution :
Change the PIR number range status using tcode OMEO. Refer to the last document number created already on table EINA.

It works well :D and now time to go home!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Assigning Internal Order to Purchase Requisition without Account Assignment Order

How to assign an internal order to purchase requisition?

I just learned today that there were 2 solutions for this :
  1. Assigning the IO directly to PR using account assignment F (order)
  2. Assigning the Asset to PR, if the IO already assigned to the Asset beforehand, IO number shall appear automatically.
However i learned that to make option 2 applicable, a statistical cost element needed to be assigned to asset gl account. Why statistical? Because Asset GL Account is a Balance Sheet account, thus actually not to be assigned to a cost element. Note the basic thing in CO module that a cost element is needed for P/L account and not B/S account.

I look over this problems for 3 days already and cannot resolve it. A friend of mine solved it in less than 6 hours :D Lol. I need to study more :) Go Choco Go!

Tcodes to be use to solve this (with the assumption that all customizing has already done for FI, CO and MM) :
FS00 - Edit GL account, check wether the GL account already assigned to a cost element or not
KA01 - Create Primary Cost Element, noted that cost element category should be a statistical one. If there's none, create a new cost element category first.
K001 - Create Internal Order, if the internal order is only for budgeting purpose thus no need to be settled, choose the Statistical option when creating the IO on tab Control Data. If Commitment Updated was chosen, the IO can still be settled and may lead to a double posting on the asset and cost.
KO22 - Change budget. Use this tcode to maintain the budget in the IO.
ME21 or ME21N - Creating PR.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Assessment Allocation in Cost Center

Allocation is a way to divide cost occured in a cost center or a group of cost centers to another cost centers based on an estimation. The estimated value can come from production units such as labor or machine hours. To divide an overhead cost , the estimated value can come from the smallest measurement such as KiloWatt for electricity or M3 for water.

There are 3 ways of allocations in cost center :
  1. Direct or manual allocation
  2. Distribution
  3. Assessment
This time we will focus only on assessment. Assessment allocation can be use to allocate values from one cost element without changing the posted original value it self. It is possible to do so by using secondary cost element instead of primary ones.

For example :
You want to allocate expense which occurs on the cost element Salary Expenses, without changing the original value posted in the cost element. To do so, you will have to create a secondary cost element, say Allocated Salary Expenses.

The posting will be as shown below :

Dr. Allocated Salary Expenses (Cost Center Receiver)
Cr. Allocated Salary Expenses (Cost Center Sender)

While the amount in Salary Expenses remains the same.

List of tcodes to be used :
  • KSU1 - Create Cycle
  • KSU2 - Change Cycle
  • KSU3 - Display Cycle
  • KSU5 - Run Cycle
In creating a cycle of allocation, we need to define :
  • Secondary Cost Element
  • Primary Cost Element as the source of value to be allocated. Note that allocation can be done from one or more cost element. We can combine some cost elements based on the characteristic and summarized it with one secondary cost element.
  • Sender Cost Centers
  • Receiver Cost Centers
  • Value to be allocated by sender. It can be maintained at the sender rule. There are 3 options available : Posted amount, Fixed Amount, Fixed Rates.
  • Value to be received by receiver. It can be maintained at the receiver rule. There are 3 options available : Variable Portions, Fixed Percentage, Fixed Amount and Fixed Portions. If we choose Variable Portions, we need also to define the variable. There are several options,

Thursday, January 13, 2011


What's SAP? I should say that this is a worldwide ERP system which is widely used by most of the industries these days. Most of them are big industries, name it Coca Cola, Sony, Nike or even L'oreal runs SAP.

Currently i'm learning SAP focusing on SAP R/3. I'm just a newbie indeed, and a fast forgetting stuff also :D That is why i'm going to write all about things i learned here and sharing it with everyone. Hopefully it will help me and of course , you who read ;)