Monday, March 07, 2011

GA733 : Segment Contains No Receiver

Been a week trying to solve this problem, and today i found out that this message appears on Profit Center Allocation if we try to allocate based on Statistical Key Figures. And this is also original bug from SAP. To solve it, check on SAP Note 114014. For version 4.0 and 4.5a please check directly to

What i do was :

  1. Running GS09 (Copy sets from source client) and enter the delivery client at 'Source client' and the name of the account group 'INT_SPACE' at 'Set ID'.
  2. In KDH1, i created a new account group 'XXXX_SPACE' for the chart of accounts 'XXXX' (it is derived automatically from the current controlling area!). Use the account group 'INT_SPACE' as a reference for the chart of accounts 'INT'. Save the new group without changing the entries.
  3. When creating an assessment / distribution cycle, enter the account group 'XXXX_SPACE' ('XXXX' refers to the chart of account of the current controlling area) in field 'Account number' as a selection criterion of the tracing factor.

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